Information about Sierra de Guara

How is the weather in Sierra de Guara?

How to come? Transports in Sierra de Guara?

There are several possibilities to come to Sierra de Guara or to arrive near to (bus, train, airplane). Nevertheless, the personal vehicle (car, van, mobilehome, motorcicle) would be the best, because there is no other transport and possibility to move in the inner region of the Sierra de Guara.
Note: The only gasstations in Sierra de Guara are situated in Angües and Alquezar! … And the ideal is to fill the car in Barbastro or Huesca before arriving in the area.

Below you will find useful informations to know how to come by car, bus , train, or airplane and where to rent a vehicle.


From Huesca: 53km, time 0h50
Take the N-240 or the A-22 direction BARBASTRO/LERIDA until the exit 77 ABIEGO – SIERRA DE GUARA (At +/-23 km from Huesca). Follow the road A-1229 (till ABIEGO (5km); after passing the village (0.5km), take at left the crossing to BIERGE (7 KM). At BIERGE, at your right take the road A-1230 to LAS ALMUNIAS de RODELLAR (14km).

From BARBASTRO: 48km, time 0h45
Take the N-240 or the A-22 direction HUESCA until the exit 77 ABIEGO-SIERRA DE GUARA. Follow the road A-1229 (till ABIEGO (5km); after passing the village (0.5km), take at left the crossing to BIERGE (7 KM). At BIERGE, at your right take the road A-1230 to LAS ALMUNIAS de RODELLAR (14km).

From Zaragoza: 128km, time 1H40
Take the E-7 / A-23 direction HUESCA till the exit 573 HUESCA NORTE/BARBASTRO/LERIDA (73km) then follow the Take the N-240 or the A-22 direction BARBASTRO/LERIDA until the exit 77 ABIEGO – SIERRA DE GUARA (At +/-23 km from Huesca). Follow the road A-1229 (till ABIEGO (5km); after passing the village (0.5km), take at left the crossing to BIERGE (7 KM). At BIERGE, at your right take the road A-1230 to LAS ALMUNIAS de RODELLAR (14km).

From Barcelona: 273km, time 3h15
Follow Avenida Diagonal upwards and take the A-2. At 165km from Barcelona, take the exit 458 direction HUESCA/LERIDA CENTRE. Take the N-240 or the A-22 direction HUESCA until the exit 77 ABIEGO-SIERRA DE GUARA.. Follow the road A-1229 (till ABIEGO (5km); after passing the village (0.5km), take at left the crossing to BIERGE (7 KM). At BIERGE, at your right take the road A-1230 to LAS ALMUNIAS de RODELLAR (14km).

From Lerida: 118km, time 1h25
Take the N-240 or the A-22 direction HUESCA until the exit 77 ABIEGO-SIERRA DE GUARA. Follow the road A-1229 (till ABIEGO (5km); after passing the village (0.5km), take at left the crossing to BIERGE (7 KM). At BIERGE, at your right take the road A-1230 to LAS ALMUNIAS de RODELLAR (14km).

From Pamplona: 216km, time 3h05
Take the A-15 direction IMARCOIN/ADUANA TIR till the exit 82 direction NOAIN/SANGüESA/HUESCA, follow the A-21 during 10km. Take the N-240 during 73km and go out at PUENTE la REINA. You will then follow the A-132 during 70km till HUESCA where you retake the N-240 or the A-22 direction BARBASTRO/LERIDA until the exit 77 ABIEGO – SIERRA DE GUARA (At +/-23 km from Huesca). Follow the road A-1229 (till ABIEGO (5km); after passing the village (0.5km), take at left the crossing to BIERGE (7 KM). At BIERGE, at your right take the road A-1230 to LAS ALMUNIAS de RODELLAR (14km).

From Pau (France): 215km, time: 3h15
Go till JURANçON and take the N-134 till OLORON-SAINTE-MARIE and follow the E-07 direction SPAIN, you will pass the frontier by the TUNEL DU SOMPORT and continue to follow the E-7 till HUESCA. Follow  the N-240 or the A-22 direction BARBASTRO/LERIDA until the exit 77 ABIEGO – SIERRA DE GUARA (At +/-23 km from Huesca). Follow the road A-1229 (till ABIEGO (5km); after passing the village (0.5km), take at left the crossing to BIERGE (7 KM). At BIERGE, at your right take the road A-1230 to LAS ALMUNIAS de RODELLAR (14km).
Note: From Pau, you may either pass by the COL du PORTALET. It’s a little bit longer, but the road and its marvellouse landscapes are worthwhile to spend some minutes more…

From Toulouse (France): 303km, time 4h30
Take the A62/E80 till the exit 25 (FOIX/TARBES/ LOURDES) and follow the A64/E80 during 95km till the exit 17 direction LERIDA/MONTRéJEAU/LUCHON follow the A645 during 6km. Then you retake the N117 direction LERIDA passing MONTRéJEAU till the Tunnel of BIELSA where you pass the frontier. In SPAIN, go till AíNSA and BARBASTRO. There, take at right the N-240 or the A-22 direction HUESCA until the exit 77 ABIEGO-SIERRA DE GUARA. Follow the road A-1229 (till ABIEGO (5km); after passing the village (0.5km), take at left the crossing to BIERGE (7 KM). At BIERGE, at your right take the road A-1230 to LAS ALMUNIAS de RODELLAR (14km).


The bus stations best connected to other cities in Spain to get closer to the SIERRA DE GUARA are located in BARBASTRO or HUESCA. Another important bus station is in ZARAGOZA, near the train station.

Barbastro> Barbastro Bus Station: Pl. de Aragón, 2, 22300 Barbastro, Huesca, Spain +34 974 311 293
or visit the Avanza local bus company website

Huesca > Huesca Station. For information on schedules, connections and prices, call +34 900 878 084 or visit the Avanza bus company website

Zaragoza > Zaragoza Delicias Station Tel: (+34) 976 700 599 – 902 490 690


The trainstations with the best connections to other cities of SPAIN to come next to SIERRA de GUARA are those of HUESCA and ZARAGOZA. For all information about timetables, connections and prices, call RENFE at 902 24 02 02 or visit


The only airport in Aragon with regular services is ZARAGOZA> Aeropuerto de Zaragoza (ZAZ) +34 976 712 300 with the airline companies Ryannair (, Vueling (, Wizz Air (…

Huesca also has a little airport, but not really active, HUESCA-PIRINEOS > Aeropuerto de Huesca-Pirineos (HSK) +34 913 211 000

The more distant airports of Girona and Barcelona also offer a wide selection of flights (check on and to get from BARCELONA to HUESCA, there is a regular bus service (see

For all information on Spanish airports:



The option of renting a car or an amenaged van or caming-car is the best if you have no vehicule and you want to take a route through small towns of the Sierra de Guara. This alternative will allow you to make the most of your stay in Aragón. We recommend that you make your reservation in advance with one of the companies located in major cities. In the stations and at Zaragoza, Madrid or Barcelona airports, you will find some with fairly wide opening hours.

In addition to internationally established car rental companies like Avis, Hertz or Europcar, a large number of Spanish car rental companies have specialized entirely in the national market.

Contact us

22144 Las Almunias de Rodellar
Huesca – Aragon – Spain (Google Map)
(+34) 620 932 433 (mobile  or whatsapps)

Skype: Canyoning-guide

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